November 2, 2015, Kusadasi and Ephesus

So this day was a bit of a disappointment. The closest we got to seeing the historic city of Ephesus was… this:


Our tour guide had a masters degree in Bible history, which was cool, but… other than that, we went to small local museum, then a government sponsored carpet shop. I get it, these handmade carpets are amazing, they truly are, but it feels pretty icky to herd bus loads of old American tourists into a room and try and sell them carpets for an hour. Oh well. I suppose everyone has bills to pay and mouths to feed.

So… this is gonna be kind of a confession. I spent the afternoon at a Starbucks in Turkey. It’s the only place that was relatively quiet, no one was trying to sell me stuff, there were surprisingly no other tourists, and most important… it was the first reasonable internet connection of the whole trip…sigh…

You gotta give it to Starbucks though, their products are amazingly consistent where ever you go.


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