April 11-14, 17-20, Minneapolis/Saint Paul

This post overlaps a few different chunks of time. I flew back to Minnesota to spend some time with my parents and with friends; however, I also had a close friend’s wedding to attend in St. Louis. I decided to rent a car for the duration and do the round trip from Minneapolis to St. Louis in a car. So I flew into MN for a bit, drove to MO for the wedding, and then back to MN.

I miss Minnesota. I miss it a lot. It still resonates as home more than anywhere else in the world so far…

Since Bali, I’ve started to try and purposefully re-frame everything in terms of story/narrative. Subsequently, I’ve been processing my thoughts/feelings a little differently…

MN is where my story started, and where most of the early chapters were written. A lot of the characters from those chapters play important parts in the course of events that made me who I am now; they also have a familiarity about me that folks from later chapters don’t. They’ve been a part of my story for longer, even though maybe in the past few chapters they haven’t been actively part of the plot.

I think there’s something about places we live in, that also contribute to our stories and who we are- I suppose there’s just something about MN. I feel like there’s a role that MN will play in later chapters, but I have no idea when or what that looks like. Maybe it’ll be soon, maybe it’ll be way later… who knows…

Featured imageĀ is of lunch with my parents at Hong Kong Noodle, one of my favorite restaurants for over 15 years probably. I used to get noodles here for lunch during college…



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